This excellent article that appeared on website provides interesting dialogue and the showcasing of the latest innovations for the African junior mining sector at the 2016 Junior Indaba that took place on 1-2 June at The Country Club Johannesburg, Auckland Park
The principle discussion in the article is of the lack of funding for junior mining companies. Of course main discussions took place at the conference but it does touch on crowd funding and how this may help in some cases.
Funding of junior mining projects remains a challenge and even the best companies are struggling to find investors. We are working with one such junior in Central Asia and, although several initial steps are now successfully behind us, we can provide testament to the difficulties. The project in question is excellent with a low investment, rapid 5 year payback and ease of operations. But even so, it has been hard going. And it isn't going to get any easier any time soon.
Maybe crowd funding will indeed be the answer in years to come for many.
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