Chris Brodie had the good fortune to work for Newmont Mining from Jul 1999 until Dec 2005. What an excellent employer then and, from its ambitions reflected in this article in, it seems to be continuing this trend.
Their new project in Suriname will add to their productivity. We wish them good fortune.
Chris joined Newmont at Zarafshan in Uzbekistan almost a year after a two-week consulting assignment at site to review the supply chain situation after 3 years of operations and to recommend action to be taken. Newmont accepted his recommendations and started work on this. After some time, it was agreed that Chris himself would stay long term in Zarafshan to accomplish this. Although it was a projected two-year assignment, Chris enjoyed the project, the company and the location and stayed for over 6 years before moving on to Kazakhstan to open his mining supply chain consulting and services businesses.
During that time, once his recommendations had been implemented, he took on further assignments in Uzbekistan and with Newmont globally. He implemented the 1st successful e-procurement program in Central Asia during this time.
Photo courtesy of Newmont's Website on the subject of the new Suriname project